1923 - First service is held in Eagle Hall.
1924 - Grace Lutheran Church is organized with 40 members.
1927 - First church building is completed.
1932 - Grace and Epiphany Lutheran, Pleasantville separate into two parishes.
1940s - Church interior is renovated and redecorated.
1951 - Congregation purchases adjoining lots.
1955 - Church building is expanded to add a two-story parish hall.
1966 - New Narthex (lobby), bell tower, and parking lot are added.
1975 - Pastor Rinck celebrates his 25th Anniversary as Grace Lutheran's Pastor.
1979 - New office addition is added.
1984 - Pastor Rinck is given the title Pastor Emeritus by the congregation on his retirement.
1986 - Pastor Rickards begins his ministry at Grace Lutheran Church.
1992 - Ecumenical Food Pantry is established & housed at Grace Lutheran.
2001 - Church Sanctuary is renovated.
2006 - Education / Fellowship Hall section is renovated.
2008 - Parking lots are resurfaced and paved.
2009 - Congregation acquires new Roger's Masterpiece Series digital organ.
2009 - New bell tower is completed.
2011 - Pastor Rickards celebrates his 25th Anniversary as Grace Lutheran's Pastor.
2011 - Restrooms are added to the upstairs social hall.
2011 - The Ecumenical Food Pantry's main room is renovated.
2012 - A new well is drilled for the front lawn irrigation system.
2012 - Front lawn irrigation, landscaping, and new walkway are completed.
2012 - 2013 - Vicar Karen Bernhardt serves her seminarian internship at Grace.
2014 - New entrance lights and doors to the narthex are installed.
2014 - Rev. Karen Bernhardt is ordained and installed as Part-Time Associate Pastor.
2015 - Vacation Bible School is re-introduced.
2016 - Pastor Rickards celebrates his 30th Anniversary as Grace Lutheran's Pastor.
2016 - Columbaria installed and dedicated.
2019 - New carpet tiles and trim installed in the downstairs hallway and lounge; new furniture
aquired for the lounge; electrical upgrades and LED fixtures installed; exterior trim painted.
2020 - Pastor Jeffrey H. Rickards retires after 34 years of ministry and many great accomplishments
at Grace Lutheran Church.
2020 - Pastor Kevin Hilgendorf serves as Interim Pastor.
2020 - Pastor Althea Albright begins her ministry at Grace Lutheran Church.
2021 - Children's Sermon and Sunday School are reintroduced.
2023 - Church office is rennovated.
2024 - Grace Lutheran Church celebrates it's 100th Anniversary.
2024 - Social Hall ceiling lights are replaced with LEDs.
2024 - Pastor Althea Albright accepts a calling at Holy Trinity Lutheran Church close to family in PA.
2024 - Pastor Wendolyn Trozzo serves as Interim Pastor