
On the third Sunday of every month, our members go through their pockets and purses for spare change, empty the coin jar from the kitchen counter, and clean the loose change off the dresser in anticipation of Grace Lutheran's popular "Joy-full Noise Offering."  Our ushers take a few extra minutes before our regular offering to collect this special offering of coin donations in two large metal coffee cans.  This special offering is given to various charities each month to help make a difference and bring joy to peoples' lives.  The resulting noise of coins filling the metal cans is truly "Joy-full" and our ushers enjoy shaking the cans as we fill them up.  It's amazing how a little bit of loose change from everyone adds up! 

Joy-full Noise Offerings 2025
January 5, 2025  Beacon Animal Rescue  $108.25
February 2, 2025  Atlantic City Rescue Mission  $129.56
March 2, 2025  Sister Jean's Kitchen